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Lockdown and RFU updates

Lockdown and RFU updates

Simon Smith3 Nov 2020 - 17:16
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Impact of National Lockdown and RFU competition decision.

Dear All,

As you all know we will be entering into a National Lockdown this Thursday, November 5th. This coupled with the announcement from the RFU that there will be no league Rugby this season obviously has a dramatic impact on the club and what we can do and offer.

In summary, this is what it means at the moment;

• The club is closed from Thursday, November 5th until Wednesday, December 2nd
• All training for all sections and age groups is cancelled from Thursday, November 5th until Wednesday, December 2nd
• Per the RFU announcement there will be no RFU league Rugby or cup competitions this season RFU Statement on league Rugby
• By definition this means there will be no promotion or relegation this season.
• We currently remain at Stage D on the RFU return to rugby roadmap for when we return.

The end date for this cessation is subject to change, and we will, of course, keep you informed as we know more.

At a national level, the decision has been made, but at a local level, within Buckinghamshire RFU, we are already planning for the restart and making the assumption that there will be some Rugby allowed and played this season.

We had already started planning for touch rugby games amongst the Buckinghamshire clubs, and this Wednesday we will start the planning for what we can offer when we are allowed to return to full contact Rugby to include, Senior Men, Senior Ladies and the Mini & Junior age groups. This may take the form of friendlies, a local merit league or cup competition, nothing is being ruled out at this stage and all the Buckinghamshire clubs and in particular the County governing body are committed to doing whatever we can when the rules allow.

From a club health perspective, we have been able to control our costs very effectively and the previous three weekends opening have turned a reasonable profit but more importantly, delivered a really good atmosphere at the club.

We will continue to be prudent with our outgoings but will spend the funds where necessary to ensure the Clubhouse and grounds are maintained for when we do return.

The next few weeks will be a strain on us all but will be tougher for some than others, Rugby is often referred to as a family and this family needs to look out for one another now more than ever, check in with your Rugby friends offer support and help where you can and we will get through this.

On a final point, I want to thank all the people across the club who have been providing all the things that we would normally do in these strange times, our coaches, Managers, groundsman and committee members without whom the club could not function. I am positive things will improve, and I know that with the support of these folk and all our membership we will be stronger for having been through it.

Please stay safe, stay well and be kind.

Simon Smith
Buckingham RUFC Chairman

Further reading