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Not the end to the season envisaged

Not the end to the season envisaged

Ian W Cartwright18 Apr 2020 - 13:07
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2019-20 stopped abruptly

As Covid-19 is having a major impact upon everyone, we can only hope that things improve in the shortest possible time, with the minimum loss of life. Meanwhile, we all must do our bit to help and support the many people putting themselves out to continue their work, putting themselves at risk for the well-being of others.

There cannot have been a more disrupted, or strange, Rugby Season during peace-time than 2019-20. We should be in the thick of that wonderful period involving tours, presentations, dinners and the Ball, where there is chance to reflect on the out-going season and enjoy the company of others. Even more so this time around, there should have been the emotional farewell to Peel Croft, the place where so many memories have been created.
The records will show that 2019-20 saw the 1st XV and Womens XV retain their league standings and this was a big outcome in both cases. The season saw the first use of Tatenhill for Sunday Rugby but was thwarted by exceptionally wet weather; however, it has served to show where we need to focus efforts in terms of pitch care and this will commence during the close-season, the Corona Virus permitting. It was such a shame that the weather was so bad, because there had been a tremendous working party effort to make the site useable.
I would take the opportunity to thank our wonderful army of volunteers for their time, efforts and enthusiasm which went into the season and it is very sad that ‘the icing on the cake’ rewards at the end of the season aren’t there to be enjoyed.
The curtailment of the season will have an impact upon our finances, but we are seeking to minimise this and have been fortunate to receive some funding to help the situation. The Spring Draw is being postponed and we hope for widespread support to bring in vital funds, once the timing is finalised.
Club activities haven’t ceased totally, with virtual meetings and training sessions being held. The Development sub-committee has been working very hard on progressing the design and planning aspects of the new building at Tatenhill. The aim is to have everything ready for the construction phase as soon as possible; however, it seems inevitable that the broader issues impacting the construction industry will have an effect on the timescales of our project.
There is so much uncertainty in these times and it remains to be seen when ‘normal service’ can be resumed. We have the matters of the relocation and our 150th Anniversary to mark and once there is a clear way forward, I’m confident that we will give our best efforts to do justice to such landmark events.
Finally, very best wishes to all for the near future and hopefully we can all come together as a club soon.

Further reading