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Message from the Captain

Message from the Captain

Johnathan Cockayne15 Oct 2013 - 22:45
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The first of Nick's six-weekly updates to keep you informed, entertained and inspired.

Hi guys, this is your Captain speaking

Sorry about the tardiness in getting my first Captain’s Report out to you but, as you all know, I am a bit $hit. :-)

It’s been a busy start to the season with away games in Hamilton and Manchester, a home game against our friends the Wanderers and two highly entertaining inter-team 7s games in the sun (idiots). We also had a high-scoring game in Dunfermline against the Greyhounds last weekend.

Now whilst we haven’t yet got a win under our belts, don’t get too disheartened. We are getting better every week and that is down to you guys turning up to training in good numbers, so thank you for that. An unfortunate situation we find ourselves in as a team is the fluid nature of our player base from year to year. Some of us have been here since the Stone Age (like Grandad Paul, LOL), while others have been coming and going on a yearly basis. This means it takes a wee while to gel as a unit, but hats off again to you guys for the effort you are putting in. As an aside to that our new recruits John, Owen, Gordon, Joe and Dr Fank N Furter making their debuts and putting in some man of the match performances; well done guys - keep it up.

Next thing is to get the rest of our new guys a full debut, either before or at the Clinic. The more new players we can get and retain means the Club will continue to grow and move forwards (and old b*stards like me can think about retiring).

Let’s keep this momentum going towards the Clinic. If we can put 59 points on an experienced team like the Dunfermline Greyhounds then think what we could achieve! Let’s keep the spirit going too and keep working hard.

Right think that’s it covered, if not then tell me at training and I will forget to put in next report.

Thanks guys!

All hail your glorious leader :-)

Nick xx

Further reading