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Even whilst we're closed, you can still help raise ££s for your Club !

Even whilst we're closed, you can still help raise ££s for your Club !

Nick Freeman22 Mar 2020 - 14:54
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Club re-introduce EasyFundraising to raise MUCH needed Funds

Many of you may already be aware of EasyFundraising, and you may already use it for Schools and other well deserving organisations?

If you not using it, this is an opportunity to help your Club. Given the current circumstances, many of us are now ordering On-Line. So, why not raise ££'s for your Club when you order?

EasyFundraising turns your everyday online shopping into donations for the Club, at no cost to you. How? Just visit your favourite retailers through the EasyFundraising website and the shop as normal. Once you've made a purchase the retailer will then make a small donation The Club to say “thank you”! ............#Simples !

For the sceptics out there, it does work ! - Since we opened our account , The Club has received £584.81 ! The top 3 users currently being- Peter Andrewartha - £167.42 raised, Steve Terrance - £120.02 raised and Martin L (we assume Martin Lupton?) - £62.08 raised

With all Games & Training finished, Clubhouse closed, and Private Parties cancelled, we have no way of generating any income, hence, using EasyFundraising REALLY WILL HELP

There are over 4000 retailers to use - all the major Supermarkets are there, as well as the likes of John Lewis, Amazon, eBay, Apple and just about everyone else you can think of !

Naturally, we recommend that you continue to use and support the smaller/local stores, but, if you have to use any of the BIG Boys for any reason whatsoever, please do use EasyFundraising !!!

It's an absolute doddle to use, all you need to do is hop over to EasyFundraising register Camp Hill RFC as the cause you want to support...... start shopping, and then sit back with an enormous sense of well being knowing you've just raised much needed ££'s for your Club!

Any probs or questions just let us know, but, in advance.........thanks a lot, love you loads xxx


Further reading