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Table Reservations now being taken for this Saturday's Premiership Semi-Finals

Table Reservations now being taken for this Saturday's Premiership Semi-Finals

Nick Freeman7 Oct 2020 - 10:00
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To help comply with COVID Regs, we're now operating a Booking system for Live games - this Saturday there are 2 Premiership Semi's at 1.30pm & 4.30pm

Firstly, many thanks for all your support during these difficult times.

Donna has re-jigged the seating in the Clubhouse, and currently we have the following available for booking.

11 tables of 6
3 tables of 5
1 table of 4


OK, but do I REALLY have to book?? you know who I am??

Sorry, but yes you do. If you've NOT booked, the only tables currently available to you will be outside. Weather allowing, we will light the Fire Pits and the Screen in the Tikki Bar will be on.

What happens if I've not got enough for a full table?

While it'd help us hugely if you had a full table, don't worry we will match you up with others in a similar situation.

Can I book more than 1 table?

Sorry, No. To be fair to everyone, you will only be allowed to book one table. Also, please note either you or one of your Party will need to be seated at your table at least 15 mins prior to k/o. Otherwise, your table will be re-allocated to someone on the Waiting List, or seated outside.

Can I choose my table number

Sorry No. But we are installing a 3rd screen in the Main Bar, so everyone should be able to see at least one screen

Is there food available

Yep, there be Pies available in-between games.

OK, so how to I book?

For this Saturday's two games, please txt to 07966 465932 the following info -

Number of People on your table
1.30pm Game only, or, Both Games

You will receive a txt back from the Club confirming your booking and Table number, or, informing you that are on the waiting list.

Final Bits

Please follow the COVID rules in the Clubhouse - Wear a Mask on entry, Track & Trace, keep a Mask on at all times, unless seated. Follow the one way system, keep 6 to a table (children are included).....please be patient, all of this is new to us too!....have a good time!

We would recommend you download the Round Bar App before arrival. We hope to have this in operation by Saturday, and fingers crossed it will speed up the service to your table (link below)

To finish off, if you'd like to drop a note of undying gratitude and offers of free drinks all afternoon, please send it to Donna Moore. If you wish to moan, complain or have a general whinge, then just call your Main Club Chairman, Martyn 'Pogo' Powis on 07483 230626 ! :)

Hopefully see you Saturday?

Good Luck !

Further reading