Sat 16 Oct 2010
Woodrush 1XV
Camp Hill RFC (est 1893)
Shameful Jug avoidance at Woodrush

Shameful Jug avoidance at Woodrush

Nick Freeman19 Oct 2010 - 07:35
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Report by Liam Morrissy

What a difference a couple of weeks and a few good results make to a teams confidence. Since getting a second half spanking by Lichfield, the 2’s have started to gel as a team and Saturdays performance was both enjoyable to play in and watch from the touchline. It was also nice to have 4 subs so some of us fat boys can have a few minutes rest towards the end of the match. There were some familiar faces in their team and that only added to our will to turn over a first team.

Any way, on to the game. Right from the outset it became obvious that Woodrush would run the ball at most opportunities and that they fancied their chances with their young fast back line. What they had to contend with was a pair of half fit fat half backs (try saying that after a shandy or two), the oldest student in the world (Humpo) and some old drunk who looked a little worse for wear (sorry Mr Wildey, but you looked dreadful). That along with Waterboy, Clarkey and Dicky Brown made for a fairly useful Camp Hill backline. It was however the power of the forwards that won the game for us on this occasion, and it was nice to sit behind one of the best forward displays I have seen from a Camp Hill pack in a number of years.

Braggy was controlling the ball well at the back of the driving mauls and found himself with 2 tries for his first half efforts. Alderson was hitting his man in the lineout like Waterboy was hitting that young Aston winger from last week. It was from another clean lineout that Humpo went galloping through their back row and off loaded to Welsh Rob for the first of his tries. Turning round at half time 17-7 was a shock for Woodrush but there was more to come.

If it had been a league game then the bonus point for four tries came from Welsh Rob again after a great off load from Browny. The fifth try came from a cross field kick which Clarkey bagged like he was working in Morrisons. There was a rake of subs with most of the fat old boys going off (me included Braggy...)but this did not stop the Camp Hill juggernaut. Welsh Rob bagged his triple after a push over scrum but try of the match came from Tibbo who plucked a ball out of the air and danced his way down field. He pirouetted around the full back and then proceeded to tango over the line before ruining the whole performance with what can only be described as a belly flop.

Who ever took over the kicking from me was just as bad so the score could have been much worse for Woodrush but fair play to them they stuck to their guns and scored a pretty good try to finish off the scoring.

The Team

1. Braggy (2 tries and then subbed himself...jug avoidance but too big to argue with so we let him off)
2. Alderson – managed to get lost somehow with sat nav
3. Tothy – was heard to mention that his opposite number had a posh voice and smelled nice (as he disappeared off for some alone time)
4. Welsh Gaz – out shone by his fellow Valley boy but still played well
5. Dan Carroll – Our very own Cave man was once again everywhere
6. Steve P – Awesome again on the field but needs to start clamping down on these jug avoiders off the field (come on Skip, its free beer and lets be honest, me and you won’t have to buy one ever)
7. Tibbo – lucky for us Coventry don’t appreciate him as much as we do but needs to sort out his dive when scoring a try (very yucky)
8. Rob Hunt – another hat-trick but no jug...tut tut tut!!!
9. Ruffy – greatest pass in the club off one hand – shame about the other!!!
10. Me – pulled some fat (in need of new hamstrings please Father Xmas)
11. Waterboy – Played full game this week, well done for behaving yourself in front of your daughter and wifey
12. Humpo – has the gayest car for the biggest guy in the team and doesn’t know what the red fuel light means when it comes on!!!
13. Ali – not a well man but made to play 80 minutes (and was heard to say “this playing 10 lark is easy” funnily enough I am not available next week...)
14. Dick Brown – off load of the day for Rob Hunts hat-trick try, well played buddy
15. Clarkey –great finish for his try (the only back to score)
16. Wardy – came on for Ruffy, can pass off 2 hands
17. Panter – Has out on some timber (a fly half in waiting!!!)
18. Macca – Replaced Braggy and actually wanted to start on the bench???

Crap hands of the day – probably Kyle again (but for Woodrush)

Squeeler of the day – there nice smelling prop after Tothy had had his wicked way with him on more than one occassion

Dick of the Day:

A few contenders – Braggy for subbing himself on 2 tries. Rob Hunt for not buying his jug after his hat-trick or Alderson getting lost with Sat Nav on the way to Woodrush (at least 3 miles from Camps) but only one man stands out for his swan diving impression after running three quarters of the length of the pitch. Well done Tibbo.

No wine this week as Frank decided to put a Stanley knife through his thumb. Get well soon love as you still have catching up to do after your poor showing last week!!!

Back to merit table next week.

Same again please fellas.


Match details

Match date

Sat 16 Oct 2010


Team overview
Further reading

Team Sponsors

Club Development - Sport England / Inspired Facilities