Nooga Red
Clayton Parr

Clayton Parr

Second Row
Looks like Clayton Parr didn’t play this season

Previous clubs

University of Massachusetts Lowell, Middlesex Barbarians, Lake County Gladiators, Metropolis

Team Sponsors

Title Sponsor - BlueCross BlueShield
Club Sponsor - OrthoSouth
Nooga Rugby's Physio / Trainer - Results Physiotherapy
Official Beer of Nooga Rugby - Budweiser
Team Sponsor - Raw
Tight 5 for Tata's
Ocoee River Whitewater Rafting - Raft 1
Chattanooga Web Design Company - Red Branch Development
Official Liquor of Nooga Rugby - Southern Comfort
Disability & Benefits Law Firm - Eric Buchanan & Associates
Mike's Hole in the Wall
Chattanooga Accounting Firm - Wilkins, Crews, & Associates
Match Sponsor - Fury Performance
Match Sponsor - Carter Appraisals