Under 13
Sun 08 Oct 2017
Chichester Rugby Football Club
Under 13
Training  Session 8th October

Training Session 8th October

Francine Thompson9 Oct 2017 - 05:46
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Danny Gray very kindly came and took a session with the boys.

Another good turn out today somewhere in the region of 21 boys. Thank you for the continued support of the parents in getting them all to training. We still have a few boys off with injurys but we will continue to manage these absences with the parents.

After a quick game of touch and a warm up Danny Gray very kindly came and took a session with the boys.

Initially working on a defensive drill with the boys ensuring that after the initial tackle positions were re gained and second tackle made. On attack ensuring that the pass was made after drawing the defender in and the ball recyled quickly.

Tommo took the forwards and worked on pick and go. The five minutes I watched were some of the best work I have seen the forwards do. Working in pods and making clear ground.

Danny then worked on our set plays from the backs. Watching our moves and giving advice to players on areas of improvement.

I think we would all agree that it may be pushing it a bit in terms of lateness of trying new position but the Bognor game gave us all a few things to consider and try. Again please be assured that all positions are up for grabs and some difficult decisions will need to be made for our first league game against Brighton.

Team work was highlighted by Danny as something that we all need to work on. Bickering and debating is something that should not happen on the pitch.

As we get into league games all the children will be given the opportunity to comment on the plays after the matches but in the heat of battle only a few select children should be calling plays with no comment or question at the time. We have all made the wrong decisions on pitch at times but the squad should all muck in and fix any wrong decisions by winning ball and securing possession.

Interestingly I was speaking to a lead sports psychologist during the week and when I asked him about winning teams he said the two most commont traits of winning teams were leadership and teamwork/ respect. Good to see that Danny agreed!

All in all a good session again with much to think about.

I’m sure you are all probably sick of us going on about head injurys but just to repeat myself.......again. We have a duty of care to your little darlings with the buck stopping with Steve if we allow a child to play on having had a head injury. With the emphasis this year on safety from the RFU we may all be being a little sensitive however, I would rather that than allow a child to sustain a serious injury. Your cooperation with us is appricated.

As always any feedback welcome. Also worth pointing out that Sam is always around to discuss your child’s progress. Sam gives up her Sunday mornings and Wednesday evening to assist the coaches and is an experienced and valued member of the squad. Thanks Sam for your continued support.

Thank you to Danny for giving up his time to help us out today, much appreciated by everyone.

Match details

Match date

Sun 08 Oct 2017


Team overview
Further reading