Ladies Rugby
Emily Charman

Emily Charman

Looks like Emily Charman didn’t play this season


How long have you been playing rugby?
I played for around 3 years at school, had around 6 years break and then started again in 2019. So I’d count that 4ish years given the break due to COVID.

What do you like about rugby?
Pushing myself to be better each session. Seeing the team get better and better each session makes me so proud! I love how explosive the game is and the mud is the cherry on the cake.

Why did you pick the Chichester Ladies Team?
I was introduced by a colleague, came for one session and couldn’t leave! It’s local to me, my friends and colleagues are here, and there’s a great friendly atmosphere both on and off pitch.

What would you say to a new player joining the team?
Don’t put so much pressure on yourself to be amazing first off. Practise makes perfect after all, and it’s all just a bit of fun really!

What is your favourite part of training?
A game of touch after breaking off and focusing on a skill, getting to put what I’ve learnt into practise with a little bit of competition. Additionally, when COVID allows, a drink in the club after training is also one of the best bits!

Team Sponsors

Club Sponsor - Asahi
Club Sponsor - George Ide
Club Sponsor - Cathedral Wealth Management
Media Sponsor - Veo
Club Sponsor - Raymond James
Club Sponsor - O’Neills
Club Sponsor - Covers
Club Sponsor - Acacia Groundcare
Club Sponsor - Henry Adams
Club Sponsor - Salmon Event Evolution
Club Sponsor - Fullers Brewery
Club Sponsor - Knight Fencing
Club Sponsor - Beaver Tool Hire