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Paddy's Plea

Paddy's Plea

Graham Walker3 May 2019 - 18:01
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Paddy's Plea Swab team at Copsewood

On Saturday 8th June, Copsewood JFC are having their presentation day at Copsewood Sports and Social Club. We will also be having a swab team at Copsewood from 1pm to help Paddy's Plea. Paddy is 12 years old and has been diagnosed with severe aplastic anaemia and needs a bone marrow transplant. Currently there are no matches worldwide, so please come down to Copsewood Sports and Social Club, Allard Way CV3 1JP on the 8th June and see if you can help this amazing boy and others.
#PaddysPlea #CCFC #UTC #McCopsewood #McTeam
Further reading