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Managers update on the first team squad

Managers update on the first team squad

Sharon Taylor11 May 2020 - 17:02
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Last season, awards and the coming season

Joint managers, Shaun Thomas and John Woodward, give us their thoughts on the end to the season, the player awards and look ahead to the new season.
It was good to catch up with the players on Saturday night (virtually of course!) and see the awards announced. During the season you live in each other’s pockets and spend lots of quality time together. With the premature end to the season, it feels like an age since we were last together as a group.
Credit to the lads for organising the Sphinx Quiz and presentation night online. A special mention to Crossy who was a great host and thanks to the senior lads Woody and Guesty for getting the votes in and organising the awards.
Both John and I spoke about our managers’ player and we narrowed it down to a small group of players who we thought excelled this season. The discussion included the lads here from the first game and stuck with the team through a difficult period and also the players who were brought in along the way who were fantastic for us and helped us to finish the season on a good run of form.
All being said, we could not get away from Loz Rawlings being our managers player of the season. Loz joined the club last summer and consistently put in some great performances. He played in a variety of positions and never once did anything other than work his socks off for the side. He is a likeable lad and it’s great to see that he cleaned up across the board as we think he deserves the recognition.
We look forward to when we can safely return to football. There is a great nucleus of young and experienced players at the club who have verbally agreed to stay and continue their progress. We are confident of a good season ahead, whenever that may be.
Shaun Thomas and John Woodward
Further reading