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Robert Gordon7 Jul 2020 - 20:27
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Monday 20th July 2020

Dear All

Firstly, I hope you, your family and your 'hockey family' have all been able to keep safe and well during the past few months.

I am pleased to be able to announce a date for our postponed CHA AGM- Monday 20th July 2020 @ 7:30pm via Zoom.

I will send a Zoom link nearer the time for you to share with anyone at your Club wishing to 'attend'. Just a reminder that it is compulsory for each Club to be represented.

It hopefully goes without saying that, due to the current situation, the agenda and scope of the meeting is somewhat 'up in the air'. You will receive an agenda in advance. We hope to be able to present CHA's view on the return to hockey as best we can but this will depend on the latest Government and England Hockey guidance and the information we have. Hopefully, by the time we 'meet', we will be in a position to discuss how the Cumbria Women's Hockey League might look next season.

To help us plan please can you let me know if your club is intending to add any additional teams to the Cumbria Women's League in the coming season.


Hannah Thornbery
CHA Hon. Sec

Further reading