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Darlington U10's County Cup at Redcar

Darlington U10's County Cup at Redcar

Sam Davison23 Mar 2014 - 14:01
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County Cup at Redcar, A mass gathering of 12 teams from across the North East.

Darlington with a contingent of 12 heavy eyed boys, formed for registration at 10 o clock. The weather pleasant, a warming sun being limited with a stiff breeze blowing across the pitches. The turf in good dry form suggesting the running would be fast paced. Lots of support present to cheer our lads on.
Warm up started slowly as fingers and minds not really focused on the job in hand.
First match against West Hartlepool showed a fine set of well drilled players who left us standing with some good runs and fierce ball handling.
final score 4-1 against. Coach Andy Gunnell provided some well chosen spurring feedback to light the fire in Darlington's bellies. A half hour rest offering a chance to recap our drills and Gorrila stances for supporting players to secure more ball for the backs to use with swift feet.
Match 2 Redcar a very eager and somewhat overtly aggressive in places allowed for the gradual warming of our fine chaps in the Black and white Hoops to practise the tackling drills of recent weeks and demonstrate the supporting work of Coaches Gunnell and Redding. Whilst a loss of 2-1 a glimpse of what was to come was shown.
Match 3 Horden a team we played 2 weeks ago came to the fore. It was evident minds were now warmed bringing with them recollection of recent tries scored. It was a different set of Lads stepping up to the starting whistle. Heads held up high and a gleam in their eyes, fast pace and aggressive running from the big lads Oliver's Hall and Smart teaming with Ben Brown to dominate in driving forwards. Oliver Davison and little James scrabbling as future scrum half's to secure decent ball which once released allowed Michael and Kimmy to provide some good tactical running. sadly passing let the lads down but the phenomenal tackling by each and every player made up for any discrepancy, bringing to the fore a quiet ray of sunlight in the form of Francis a player who enjoys the wing. With technique and and the persistence of a Jack Russell will ensure Horden have a few bruises as trophies.
despite the 2-2 draw it was the best 12 mins of rugby our Gladiatorial U10's have ever had. WELL DONE!!

A massive thankyou to all at Redcar for a well organised tournament, the chance for an outside lunch all together provided an opportunity to finish on a really positive high.

Further reading