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First Team Presentation Night and Supporters Player of the Season

First Team Presentation Night and Supporters Player of the Season

Brian Porter25 Apr 2017 - 12:06
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The first team presentation night will be held at the clubhouse on Friday 28th April. The start time will be announced later.

After such a amazing season, we hope that you and you families will attend the evening to see the awards issued out by Andy and Arron.

All the managers trophies have been generously provided by the Chairman, Mr. Steve Tubb.

  • Managers Player
  • Players Player
  • Top Scorer
  • Young Player
  • Clubman

There will also be a Supporters Player of the Season award presented by one of you.

The new Supporters Player of the Season shield and trophy has been generously donated by AzzA, Jason Azzopardi

The name of everyone who votes will go into a hat and the lucky person drawn out will present the trophy to the winning player.

You can vote for your Player of the Season by emailing me on or by ringing or texting me on 07903 859107. Please include your name and contact details. You can also vote using a form and placing it in the box at the clubhouse from early Wednesday evening.

Sadly. we have had to purchase a new Player of the Season shield as the last one has gone missing since it was last issued. As noted above, AzzA, Jason Azzopardi has generously offered to purchase a new shield and a trophy for the player to keep as a memento.

Further reading