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Chairman's Letter and AGM

Chairman's Letter and AGM

Huw Lloyd2 Sep 2020 - 20:41
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An open letter from our Chairman.

2nd September 2020

Dear fellow Edwardian,

I hope this letter finds you well.

The disruption to life as a whole, in recent weeks, has been unprecedented and the
impact on all aspects of work and play has affected each of us in different ways.
What is common to us all is the lack of rugby and the enforced inability to enjoy the
convivial atmosphere we so love at The Memorial Ground, Streetsbrook Road.

I am writing to update you on a number of points of importance relating to the Club
which I hope will be well received.

1. Playing – as we stand, we still do not have a start date for the 2020/21
season. The RFU have a strict road map to which all clubs must adhere in
returning to rugby. Whilst we are back training in a limited capacity, this is
still in a non-contact capacity at our ‘community rugby’ level. As government
distancing restrictions ease, so will the ways in which we are able to train and
ultimately return to competitive rugby. The guys will certainly be very fit by
the time we take to the field!
I’m also pleased to announce that we have several new players already
training to wear the Edwardian shirt this season. In the meantime, at least we
can enjoy Premiership rugby on BT Sport, if not in person!

2. Clubhouse and grounds – even during a pandemic, the Clubhouse still needs
work and the grass still grows! There has been a huge amount of effort by a
select group of volunteers who have kept the pitches in marvelous condition
throughout, extending to maintenance of the wider grounds. Thank you to all
who have helped.
Additionally, The OESC has taken the opportunity during enforced closure to
completely repair and refit the kitchen. This has been project managed and
carried out by Mark Hope and Jeff Coles entirely on a voluntary basis. Both
the Rugby section and the Sports Club are indebted to them for the time,
effort and expertise afforded to us by these gentlemen.

3. New Catering Manager – it is no accident that the above work coincides with
the appointment of Simone Monkhouse as the OESC’s new Catering
Manager. Simone will be looking forward to preparing fine food for us all
when we reconvene for our legendary League Lunches!

4. Clubhouse bar – I am pleased to announce that the Bar is now open, albeit on
a limited basis in terms of both hours and distancing regulations. Times are as

Thursday: 19.30 – 23.00
Saturday: 16.00 – 23.00
Sunday: 12.00 – 16.00

Social distancing measures are in place and we are limited to 36 people in the
Clubhouse at any one time – but please do join us!

Additionally related, I am pleased to announce that The OESC has appointed
Sarah Baker as Bar Supervisor with immediate effect. She will be familiar to
you all, having worked behind the bar during last season. Please support her
as we return to some semblance of social normality.

5. EFC AGM – The Annual General Meeting was scheduled to take place on 17th
June this year. During lockdown, we have considered holding the meeting
virtually, but we have now decided to hold the AGM at 7.30pm on the 23rd
September – in the Clubhouse. Attendees will be limited to socially distanced
numbers but we will try to accommodate as many as possible on the night.

In the meantime, there are pressing matters to put in place and sign off.
Particularly, there are important positions that have become vacant which
need to be filled and to that end, the EFC would like to inform you of Committee recommendations and indeed nominations to those roles.

Firstly, after two excellent seasons of Captaincy, David Coles is stepping down
from the leadership. He should be congratulated on how he has lead the
team on the pitch and indeed how he has conducted himself as Captain of
the Club off the field. I’m pleased to say that he remains as a player and will
be leading by his actions if nothing else.

The players and indeed the Committee have nominated Brandon Lea as
Captain of Club and 1st XV for the coming season and he is already working
hard to gel the players in readiness for our ambitious plans.

A fine player, he will certainly lead by example and we wish him well.

Secondly, after four years in the role, Michael Bourke is stepping down from
the position of Treasurer. The Club finances demand time and regular
attention and after the recent birth of his first son, his priorities and free time
have changed somewhat! Thank you Mike.

In his place, the Committee has nominated Kieran Duffy and indeed, he is
already getting ‘stuck in’ to the role with new ideas on Club finances and
raising much needed funds for the Club.

Both these roles are ratified by the committee and it is hoped that you are all
in agreement that these are good appointments, in advance of a formal ‘nod’
at the AGM.

To summarise, the Committee will be nominating the ‘Officers’ of the Club as

President Paul Price
Snr. Vice President Paul Virgo
Chairman Brian Chappelhow
Secretary Micky Boyle
Treasurer Kieran Duffy
Match & Fixture Secretary Peter Green
Commercial Manager Paul Virgo
Junior Section Chairman Chris Shipway
Captain of Club and 1st XV Brandon Lea

Additionally, the Committee nominates Huw Lloyd and Paul Virgo to continue
as Directors of Edwardian FC Ltd., and for Kieran Duffy to succeed Michael
Bourke in the same role.

A full list of additional positions (not listed as the ‘Officers of the Club’ above)
will be posted in the Clubhouse.

I do hope you remain well and I look forward to seeing you at the AGM. Failing that,
please keep an eye on the Club website ( and social media
channels for further updates on Edwardian FC news and details of our return to
competitive rugby.

Kind regards,
Brian Chappelhow

Further reading