Notice of FCRFC Annual General Meeting
30th April 7.30pm Chainey Room
The 2024 FCRFC AGM will take place on the 30th April at 7.30pm in the Chainey Room. All club members can attend the meeting.
The AGM will provide an opportunity for members to be updated on progress, on and off the field, over the past 12 months including the financial position of the club and plans for the coming season. This is also a great opportunity for members to ask questions.
Below is a list of committee positions and the existing members standing for re-election. If you wish to stand for any position, please email me at by the 16th April.
President Pete Zaffiro
Chairman Dave Ashwin
Vice Chairman Tom Bohr
Honorary Secretary Martin Hill
Honorary Treasurer Ian Davidge
Junior Chairman Jake Darby
Junior Secretary Dave Crewe
Junior Treasurer Matt Marsh
Club Captains Mike Ashwin
Fixture Secretary Nathan Cole
Membership Secretary John Britton
Social Secretary Vacancy
Kit Secretary Helen Smith
The minutes of the 2023 AGM are available in the documents section of Pitchero.
Many thanks
Martyn James
Honorary Secretary