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Dominic Baines13 Nov 2020 - 10:57
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As our country moves into another period of lockdown and we have to put a hold on rugby activity, I just wanted to take the time to thank everyone for their efforts in achieving a safe form of return to rugby from July till this week. I know there has been a huge effort from all the coaches across the Junior and Senior sections along with our Club Captains and Exec Committees, to ensure we have followed the Government and RFU guidelines in order to keep our players safe over this period.

I know everyone at the club will be desperate to get back to a form of normality and you have all been patient and accommodating over the last few months. Please be assured that as soon as we are able to we will return back to rugby.

Until that day we want to assure you that your club is still here for you, so please feel free to contact your exec committee if there is any support we can offer you over this period.

Stay safe and connected


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