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Non-League Day 2022

Non-League Day 2022

Simon Hayes10 Mar 2022 - 12:00
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It’s FREE entry for any Grassroots Footballers under 16 years of age on Non-League Day 2022

On Saturday 26th March, The Gingerbreads host Whitby Town on this years Non-League Day, and we’re giving away FREE entry to any Grassroots Footballers who are under 16 years of age and one accompanying adult.

To take up the offer, the Grassroots Footballer must wear an item of clothing with their Grassroots teams crest on and come to the match with their accompanying adult.

Non-League Day is an annual event which celebrates semi-professional and grassroots football in the UK and is designed to encourage to get people to their local Non-League club.

Grantham Town Chair, Sarah Pickles “We’re looking to get more of our community in the ground and involved at the Club. Non-League Day is a fantastic platform for us to open the doors and get people in and see what we’re about. Matt and the squad are fighting hard and any extra support will be very welcome”

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