Dear GCC Members
On Sunday 4th August, Surrey play Nottinghamshire in a Metrobank One-Day Cup match at Cup Match at Woodbridge Road.
GCC will operate the Surrey Members’ Beer & Refreshment Tent at the Railway End of The Sports Ground, and also a smaller satellite Public Beer Tent at the Pavilion End.
By using volunteers, we can raise some decent money for Guildford Cricket Club. We have run these beer tents for many years and there is some evidence that we know what we are doing!
I need some CRACK TROOPS to man these tents, serving drinks and taking payments. Full training is provided and it is great fun. Over-18’s only. You will be able to watch some of the cricket during the day.
Can you join us and help out for all or part of the day? Our Troops will be on parade from 10 am. Play starts at 11 am and the match will finish around 6 pm.
Help setting up the Tents on the afternoon of Friday 2nd August would also be welcome.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes
Chad Murrin
Commercial Manager
07767 224632