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Chairman: Training update

Chairman: Training update

Jeanette Edwards17 Jul 2020 - 13:48
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Training will now be open to any senior player!

"As you'll read below from Phil, last night's training was a great success. As a result, any senior player wishing to join us at next week's training will be welcomed. Nolonger do you have to receive an invitation. We would also like members of the Youth and Junior sections, players and coaches, to come and watch - on Tuesday and/or Thursday next week @ 7pm. Come and see how we do the registration, and how we manage player safety. We would like the Youth and Junior sections to be able to commence training using the same basic framework asap" Martyn Jackson, Chairman.

Meanwhile please read the thoughts shared below by our Head Coach Phil Sharpe following our first senior training session since lock down:-

"We had 40 players all obeying the registration process and social distancing throughout, who worked hard in their smaller groups, and who are chomping at the bit to represent Holt this season. I've had more messages than ever from players saying how well the session went and how smooth it was run from start to finish, allaying fears they had over their safety. This is a direct result of the energy and efforts of our team - Martyn, Tom and Henry. I want to acknowledge their support. Our hard work and planning paid off better than we could have hoped. Also - our time and energy invested since shut down has been paid back by the level of fitness the players have maintained through the challenges".

This is very positive to hear. Well done everyone involved. Hopefully all the players enjoyed the session too!

Further reading