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Christmas Chat

Christmas Chat

Malcolm Knowles13 Dec 2012 - 22:00
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If you haven't done your Christmas shopping yet, and being a bloke you won't have, make it easy and make some money for the club by doing your shopping on-line using the link club cashback on the shop tag at the top of the page. Amazon is one of the many on-line stores offering the service.

It looks as if an early kick-off has been organised for the Hawks game at Hull on Saturday. Let us hope that they return the complement extended to the fixture at BP and allow this curtain raiser to grace the main pitch.

The best week end of the year is only 5 sleeps away. After the Hull game club revellers will be going out for a swift half.I am informed Christmas jumpers are the order of the day. Nobody in their right minds would miss it; would you?

I am indebted to Roger Gosling, via Pete Sharp, for bringing my attention to a passage written in the Hull match day programme for Saturday last.
The Hull Chairperson, the charming and loquacious Mr Bruce Wilkie,in his address referred to Ionians as the "villagers". Could I take this opportunity to assure the two esteemed members that this should not be perceived in any way as a slight, but rather a complement, having an aspirational connotation with living a wholesome, relaxing and more pleasant life.
We can venture into the big city on Saturday and gaze at the bright lights for ourselves.

Further reading