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Hungerford 34 Aylesbury Athletic 27

Hungerford 34 Aylesbury Athletic 27

Simon Ford29 Oct 2012 - 11:19
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Hungerford RFC go to prison and win.....

Hungerford visited Aylesbury Athletic, or officially HM Young Offenders Prison in Aylesbury and came away with a well deserved victory.
An hour spent being security checked and searched and players having to hand in there hair gel, (BACKS) and the forwards having to surrender Screwdrivers, Alain Keys, glue and various other suspicious items, we were then escorted by wardens to our changing rooms, and then through locked gates to the pitch.
After a short warm up, the game kicked off and both sides played expansive rugby and it was Aylesbury against the run of play that broke through with a scything run from the inside centre to open the score for the prison side.
This sparked Hungerford into action and with Hungerfords forwards dominating the set piece, the pressure fell onto the Aylesbury team and captain Dan Holley finished off a powerful move to score, Ian (Squeak)Alexander stepping up to convert.
Aylesbury having had some good wins this season used there powerful runners in there back line to again break through and score, but Hungerford knew this was a game to win and centre Sam Houghton responded with a superb try to edge the visitors ahead.
The second half saw Aylesbury strike again through there impressive captain and fly half who's great turn of pace saw him score in the corner, but Hungerford quickly responded with a superb move that saw Macca claim the first of his brace of the day.
Hungerford were now dominating the game and the home sides heads were dropping and it was then the impressive Chris Woodroffe playing at open side burst through to score.
Hungerford soon followed this with Macca now showing off and not passing when squeak asked very nicely to get his second of the day, but Alexander then converted the score with the ball hitting the upright and bouncing in.
Aylesburys captain then scored again, but with a minute to go Hungerford were awarded a penalty which Alexander converted to secure the win for Hungerford RFC.
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