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DORIAN BROOKSBY3 Jan 2021 - 13:43
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New Member Forms Available below

Happy New Year!

Planning for the 2021 Season has continued throughout the winter.

The Club's COVID-19 Risk Assessment to manage the ongoing pandemic continues to be amended and adapted accordingly by the Club's leadership and management team. This is presently being undertaken by the Emergency Steering Group (ESG).

A priority at the moment is planning and preparing for the Annual General Meeting for 5th March 2021 starting at 1930hrs.

Whilst the intention is hold the AGM as normal, plans are being trialed and prepared to hold the Meeting Virtually, so that all Members can follow and participate in the AGM from their homes should attendance and / or use of the Pavilion be restricted. A process for electronic voting for all renewed members and new members will be used if the need arises. Further details will be made available in due course.

It is therefore evenmore vital for all Members to Renew / Update their Member Profile and contact details via their personalised email which has already been already sent. The details will be held and used securely complying with GDPR. By clicking the link,

NEW MEMBERS can request Membership Forms by clicking this link.

Membership Subscriptions
These will be due following the AGM when Members will be able to use online payment details to the Club as an alternative to paying the Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Captain, Vice Captain, Committee Member or via Card Payment at the Bar during your first Club visit of the season.

Thank you for Updating your Membership details. We look forward to seeing you around the Club in 2021.

Further reading