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Jersey Hockey Subscription Fees 2024/2025

Jersey Hockey Subscription Fees 2024/2025

Sarah Heelis28 Jun - 12:27
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Jersey Hockey Subscription Fees 2024/2025

Jersey Hockey Subscription Fees 2024/2025

At the AGM on 19th June 2024 small increases to three membership categories were agreed for the 2024/2025 season to counter RPI costs and certain Storm Ciaran damage not covered by insurance.

The full list of subscription fees applicable from 1 September 2024 can be found HERE.


Full playing adult members - updated annual sub's are £330. If you are paying by standing order please increase your 12-month standing order payments to £27.50 per month. This will cover your subs for 2024/2025. Any other expenses will need to be paid separately.

Adult aged 18-25 - updated annual sub's are £285. If you are paying by standing order please increase your 12-month standing order payments to £23.75 per month. This will cover your subs for 2024/2025. Any other expenses will need to be paid separately.

Occasional - updated annual sub's are £110. This will cover your subs for 2024/2025. Any other expenses will need to be paid separately.

The discretionary 50% reduction for new and returning players will still be available upon application.

Are you changing your membership status? Anyone wishing to change their status as a member of Jersey Hockey MUST let us know by emailing before 31 August 2024 so we can update our records and not waste time issuing invoices and then chasing individuals for payments.

Are you fully paid up for 2023/2024?
All sub's for the 2023/2024 season + any other outstanding expenses MUST be paid by 31st August 2024. Failure to clear these debts by 31st August 2024 will result in membership suspension*.

All sub's for the 2024/2025 season + any other outstanding expenses MUST be paid by 31st August 2025. Failure to clear these debts will result in membership suspension.*

*If you are experiencing any financial difficulty which would make sub's payments a problem, please approach a Board member/the administrator/accounts team (see below). Any request for time to settle an outstanding debt will be treated sympathetically and confidentially.

Board Members:

James Wetherall -
Gemma Minty -
Ian Cuming -
Debbie Higgins -

Accounts Team:

Gemma Minty -
Jo Jones -

Sarah Heelis -

Thank you.

Jersey Hockey

Further reading