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Filming Partnership / Sponsorship Opportunity

Filming Partnership / Sponsorship Opportunity

Madeleine Whitehouse18 May 2023 - 19:43
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Help us improve our analysis and fan engagement service.

With the 2023/24 season edging ever closer, we are reaching out to local businesses or individuals who would be keen to support us with some new hardware and subscription costs for a VEO camera. With analysis such an important part of the modern game, we are looking at increasing the quality of the footage and information we provide not just for the 1st team, but also the ladies and under 23 sides.

This also opens up a great opportunity for advertising; a partner could have their logo on highlights and footage as well as take advantage of our ever growing social media reach with targeted posts.

The cost of the equipment and subscription for the new season is £2250 including VAT and that would allow us to integrate all of our teams into the platform, the cost includes the camera, tripod and case which would be owned by the club, and a years subscription to the software.

This technology would also allow us to potentially live stream some games in future.

Anyone interested should contact the club on and we would be delighted to look at how we could support a business with exposure whilst helping the players on the pitch for the new season.

Further reading