Like all football clubs at our level we are always looking to engage with local businesses or individuals that can support Lancaster City and help us to grow as a Football Club at the heart of the community. We endeavour to give our sponsors something back when they invest in us, be it as part of our media output or experiences at the Giant Axe itself. We offer a range of sponsorship options to suit a variety of budgets. Below are some of the options that are currently available:
• Ground Sponsorship
Giant Axe is an iconic and unique stadium name in football, the home of the Dolly Blues since 1911. Located beside and in full view of Lancaster’s train station, sponsorship of the Giant Axe is an attractive proposition given its visibility and notoriety.
• Options on First Team home and away kits (front and back)
We welcome a new kit supplier this season in Fused Sport, based in Manchester. It’s the perfect time to join as a kit sponsor as we begin a new partnership and return to a traditional Dolly Blue strip. Official club photographer Michael Porter, who also counts Burnley FC as one of his clients, captures images of our kits. They are featured on the club social media, programme and website along with location media outlets such as Beyond Radio and the Lancaster Guardian.
• Training Kit
Having seen Chris Willcock join as manager during the 2023/24 season, one of his first declarations was to ensure training was up to his notoriously high standards. This includes training uniform and forms part of the professionalism instilled in our squad. Images will be captured for our social media platforms including for YouTube as part of our ‘Inside Training’ weekly offering during pre-season and beyond.
• Pitch side advertising boards
At the heart of everything we do, is football, and our pitch is surrounded by available advertising hoardings. Featured in action shots of our players that we utilise on social media and in video highlights, we have experienced an increase in average league attendance of 17% during 2023/24. We’re proud to feature many local businesses and be part of our matchday experience.
• Social media packages including match highlights/goals and interviews
In wider society, the prevalence of social media has become crucial in sharing information, establishing an identity and advertising a product. Lancaster City’s social media output is consistent and meets the needs of our supporters, especially those who are unable to attend games at the Giant Axe. By becoming a partner in our social media offer, your brand will be viewed by over 24k followers across Facebook, X, Instagram and LinkedIn. On matchdays this includes our Dolly Blue Sound radio broadcast, YouTube highlights, interviews with manager Chris Willcock and players, not to mention minute-by-minute match updates.
• Community Impact sponsorship
Our work in the local area has grown in recent years to include Junior teams, Lancaster City Ladies FC, Lancaster Military Veterans FC, a Walking Football group and countless school visits promoting the our club as Dollies in the Community. Our sponsors provide the capabilities to print workbooks for children, offer discounts for local companies and give youngsters the chance to attend games at the Giant Axe. For our walking football, veterans and ladies team sponsors help provide equipment and enable pitch bookings.
• Players and staff
Each player and member of coaching staff including our kitman and physio are available for sponsorship. Benefits include invitations to matches, opportunities in our sponsors lounge overlooking the Giant Axe pitch, a picture with your chosen individual courtesy of our club photographer, your name listed beside the player or staff member each week in our programme, highlighted in the event of a goal or interview and social media focus on our radio broadcast.
If you are interested in discussing these or any other potential sponsorship options, please contact Lancaster City Chairman Andy Baker at