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Littleborough Follow On from National Success

Littleborough Follow On from National Success

Aaron Jones22 Jul 2019 - 19:36
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With recent sporting successes of England Cricket’s World Cup victory, England football and England Women’s bronze in the Netball World Cup.

Children and young adults of Littleborough and the wider villages took part in Littleborough Rugby clubs annual taster day at Rakewood.

An army of club volunteers arrived early morning on a Sunday morning to set up for the event and prepared for a jam packed day of rugby based activities, BBQ and community engagement games to show everyone what Littleborough rugby club is all about.

The event attracted approximately 150 kids, old and new to give rugby a try; current players getting stuck in to help encourage rookies and visitors to give it their best.

Our Under 10’s coach Adam Bracegirdle said “This year’s taster day was a big success for the under 10's with 8 new faces and 13 of our regulars turn up.
It's always a fun day which I look forward to as coach, a few warm up drills then straight into some relay races which the kids seem to enjoy.

After the half time oranges we went into a massive game of rugby rounders which the majority of the parents took part in, lots of fun was had by all”.

After the taster session in the morning and the BBQ to fill the bellies in the adorning midday sun, adults and kids alike took to the first team pitch to play one big game of walking rugby.

There was even a tombola and cake stall to boot as the club looked to raise money to continue providing a safe and fun environment for young and old in the community to enjoy sport.

Following the taster day, most teams are now training for the upcoming season with all teams from Under 8’s to Senior male and female starting to train over the next few weeks. If you didn’t manage to attend taster day, but would love to give rugby a try- new players are always welcome at Littleborough Rugby Football Club.

Further reading