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It's time to acknowledge the outstanding work of volunteers in the community game!

It's time to acknowledge the outstanding work of volunteers in the community game!

Gary Williams21 Sep 2016 - 19:10
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Nominations for this year’s Wales Sport Awards are now open! Please see below:

In what has already been a fantastic year for Welsh sport, we will once again be celebrating the best from elite and community sport, but we’ll need your help

The categories open for nomination are:
• Young Coach of the Year
• Community Coach of the Year
• Young Volunteer of the Year
• Volunteer of the Year
• Coach to Disabled People of the Year
• Lifetime Achievement Award (Community)

Nominations should be made online at or

Hard copies of the nomination form are available on request.

The nomination period is shorter this year. Nominations close at midday on Friday 30th September.

Please help us to promote the Awards as much as possible and encourage partners to nominate their top community coaches and volunteers.

Further reading