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Re-launch of club-wide Summer Touch

Re-launch of club-wide Summer Touch

Kenny Baughan3 Mar - 19:20
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Launch event Weds 17th April

As some of you may know the club is trying to give the summer touch rugby a 're-launch' with the proposal being to have three or four touch pitches split up into:
1. Families
2. Teenagers
3. Adults (option of mixed and/or separate depending on numbers and personal choice)
- Wednesdays 6.30-7.30pm
- Each pitch to have it’s own ‘manager’ who will set out pitch and manage the game.
- Summer only offer (18 weeks total)
- Wed 17th April – training session for all potential touch managers/refs, EVERY age group to nominate at least one person to attend. (Ludi Green, Belgium Touch International Player,to run training session for the club, she is also an ex-LRFC ladies player)
- Wed 24th April – 21st August weekly touch sessions
- Ideally bar open every week to encourage post touch social OR identify socials on specific dates.
Further reading