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Marshalls Information

Marshalls Information

Sheila Maynard29 Jul 2022 - 17:52
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Marshalls Information

Lots of information, sent out in group chats too.
1- I hope everyone is enjoying the break from netball & school holidays.
2- Trials, make sure you have sent your trial form/information back.
Trials are Saturday 3rd September 10 - 2 and Monday 5th September 8 - 9.30 for anyone who will be yr10 and above.
3 - if you have not paid for your kit please do ASAP. When it arrives we will not hand it over until we have payment.
4 - pre-season training: open to all players at the club, it will be £3 per session.
The dates are Monday 8th, 15th, 22nd and Tuesday 30th August. It will be at Redbridge.
Juniors 7 - 8
Seniors 8 - 9.30
Seniors workshops 7.30 - 8
8th shooting/attacking circle workshop run by Joelene Moffat .
15th defensive circle workshop run by Kirsty Herbert ,
22nd attacking mid-court workshop run by Shauna Louise Butterworth and a defensive mid-court workshop run by Jade Burgess .
Training restarts
Thursday 8th September
Monday 12th September.
Any problems/questions please shout and either Sarah Ana Maynard , Sheila Maynard , Shauna or Charlotte King will answer.
Further reading