Our email address is: mavericksrfc@gmail.com
Phone numbers for Committee members are under the MORE tab, under CONTACT:
Phone number for Hon. Sec. Danny Perkins is 07976 545646
Mavericks RFC are based at Warley Playing Fields which are located between Chindits Lane and The Drive in Warley, Brentwood, Essex.
To find our Changing Rooms the nearest postcode is CM14 5LF. There is parking in Chindits Lane or the car park off of Chindits Lane between the Primary School and the Gym (currently called Everlast)
You then walk into the Playing Fields via the gate at the back of the car park and the Changing Room Block is slightly to your right. You can also see our clubhouse about 150m behind the changing block towards The Drive. To the left as you enter the Playing Fields is the path leading to our pitch, again about 150m away from the Changing Block.
If access is required to the pitch for an ambulance, this is gained via a gate on The Drive, approximately 30m north of the junction with Essex Way.
The what3words addresses for these locations are as follows
Changing room Block: dined.chat.sparks
Pitch: radar.daily.bleak
Ambulance Access via Gate at: minus.clear.shave
Clubhouse: drama. charge.held
If you are coming directly to the clubhouse in The Drive, the nearest postcode is CM13 3AR the entrance into the park is easily missed, it is about 90m south of the junction with Chindits Lane, look for the bus stop almost opposite the car park for the Swift Group building.