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NEW IRB Laws & Midlands rulings for 2011 - 2012 Season

NEW IRB Laws & Midlands rulings for 2011 - 2012 Season

Pete Rose30 Aug 2011 - 09:27
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IMPORTANT NEW RULES FOR SEASON 2011-2012 - Please note Rule 2.3 (a) and 13.
Extracted from the Midlands Division Administrative Instructions / Rules 2011-2012.
2. Match Result Cards2.1 The Match Result Cards are the responsibility of both clubs. The cards must be completed fully and legibly in capital letters and record the names of the squad showing surname first, followed by the first name. The names should be recorded as they appear on the official RFU Senior Player Registration Computer Listing. The cards from both the Home and Away clubs, already countersigned by the opposition official, must be passed to the Referee before the match.
2.2 A club not passing the match result card to a referee before the match may have 5 championship points deducted.
2.3 (a) It is recommended that fully completed, signed and checked Match Cards are scanned and forwarded by e-mail attachment to the League Secretary within two days of the game being played. These scans and cards should be filed by the club for future retrieval and further forwarding to the League Secretary if necessary. They must all be kept until the end of the season and only discarded at the end of June.
(b) If this is not done then a club’s Match Result Card must be posted, by First Class post, to the League Secretary , so that it is received by the League Secretary within 3 days of the game being played. It must have been checked, completed fully in all respects and signed appropriately. Duly signed checked Match Cards will be considered free of any errors.
13. New for Season 2011-2012. “Rolling Replacements” at Levels 9 and below in league games only 2's and 3's .13.1 At Level 9 and below, up to a maximum of 5 players may be named as replacements and players will be allowed to “roll on and roll off” on an unlimited basis, to hopefully maintain 15 players a side on the field of play at all times, other than when the game has moved to uncontested scrums when the side causing the uncontested scrums plays with 1 player fewer.
13.2 There is no compulsion to have 5 replacements and sides do not have to have equal numbers of replacements.
13.3 Replacements will be made, with the referees permission, at stoppages of play other than at penalty and free kick situations, to make sure that a replacement doesn’t come on to the field of play simply to take a kick at goal and then be replaced again.
13.4 The requirement to have one replacement front row player within the squad is still necessary, so that at the first time of asking a side can replace a front row player in order that the game carries on with contested scrums.
13.5 This rule is not intended to encourage clubs to pick the maximum number of replacements for league games to the detriment of turning out a second or third XV.
I would also like to draw your attention to Rule 4.12 which allows your Club (subject to size of league) to nominate a “Reserve” Saturday(s) as not to be designated a “next available Saturday” i.e. a Saturday not to be used for League or RFU KO Cup rearranged games.
4.12 Clubs in 12/11 club Leagues may request that 1 specific non League Saturday be not designated as “a next available Saturday”. Clubs in 10/9 club Leagues may designate 2 such Saturdays. Clubs in 8 club Leagues may designate 3 such Saturdays. Clubs in 14/13 club Leagues will not be able to request any such Saturdays. This request must be made officially in writing, on Club headed notepaper, by the Secretary of the Club, to the Secretary of the MLOC at least 8 weeks before the non- League Saturday so designated. An e-mail is not an acceptable method, although a letter as an attachment to the e-mail would suffice. League Secretaries are not empowered to grant requests of this nature.
Remember: In season 2011-2012 the Christmas and New Year weekends will be deemed not to be a “next available weekend”. Easter weekend WILL be a “next available weekend”.
Please make sure that the appropriate person or persons in your Club are aware of this information. The MLOC is doing its best to provide you with advice that will hopefully help you to avoid falling foul of Regulations and Instructions / Rules. It is not the MLOC’s intent to penalise clubs financially or by way of deducting Championship points but these sanctions are there to bring defaulting clubs into line so that everything works equitably and fairly to the benefit of all.
Further reading