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AGM Details

AGM Details

Kevin Nave8 Jun 2017 - 11:48
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The Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday 13th July 2017 at 8pm in the Anchor Inn.

The Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday 13th July 2017 at 8pm in the Anchor Inn.

All members should attend - this is your club.

Below is the provisional agenda. Any proposals relating to item 6 must be notified to the secretary for inclusion in the final agenda by June 30th.

Members are required to elect three Officers - President, Treasurer and Secretary. The fourth Officer is an automatic inclusion of the Immediate Past President. Members must also elect a number of committee members ( a minimum of seven, and not exceeding twenty) At the first committee meeting after the AGM, the chairman is elected from among those elected committee members, and the role(s) and obligations of each committee member is decided.

There are additionally a number of roles which are filled by non-committee personnel. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE ON THE COMMITTEE TO HELP YOUR CLUB.

Nominations for committee or officer may be made in advance ( by June 30th), or at the AGM as long as the potential candidate is present to accept the nomination or has given prior consent.


AGM 2017 Agenda

Further reading