NRUFC Membership to purchase simply click Payments above.
To be a club member, a membership subscription must be paid.
Over the years the club has built a reputation of providing a first class venue for everyone in the town and beyond to enjoy their rugby. From senior, junior & mini members their parents, we are a club that is built on clear foundations of contribution to the local community and a place where everyone is welcome and enjoys a good time.
We have a range of memberships available, also a discount on goods and services supplied by the partners of Northwich RUFC
Full Club (Non-Playing) Member
To be a Club Member you must have paid a membership subscription.
Subscription: £48 per annum or £4 per month.
Club Members can access “members only” content and post comments on our media pages.
Receive discounted bar prices (via membership card) & offers.(on promotion)
Unlimited free function room hire (if available).
Option to apply for International tickets.
Full voting rights at AGM.
Sponsor discounts (check website for updates)
Full Club Playing Member (Adult):
Subscription: £96 per annum or £8 per month (£48 per annum or £4 per month if over 18 and in FT education)
In addition to the benefits of being a Full Club Member,
Eligible to play for the club and use the facilities.
Provision of stash & playing kit (when available).
Covered to play by RFU insurance (NB).
Registered M & J Playing Member:
Subscription: £48 per annum or £4 per month.
NO membership benefits will accrue to the parents, details taken by club for registration purposes only.
Available for one single child only.
Eligible to play for the club and use the facilities.
Covered to play by RFU insurance*
Other benefits as age permits.
Full Club M & J Family Member:
Subscription: £84 per annum or £7 per month.
All the benefits of full membership to parents.
Applies to one child or more (no maximum).
(Other three benefits as per M & J Registered Member)
All fully paid up playing members and playing associates are covered by the RFU insurance policy relating to Total Permanent Disability and Death whilst partaking in or traveling to and from matches and training sessions. The club does not purchase cover for temporary disability or loss of earnings or medical expenses. Members are recommended to make their own arrangements for such cover.
Life Members £500 (One payment)
Benefits as Full Club Member.