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Gate crashing the Carnival parade pt2

Gate crashing the Carnival parade pt2

john blower15 Feb 2021 - 08:07
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The Egyptian Slave episode. Engaging in the Community.

Forgetting to officially enter the Northwich Carnival once again, we decided to invade the parade, for another walk through town.

The chippies in our club constructed a large block upon a trailer so as to appear as a large pyramid stone.

Dressed in loin cloths we waited at Royle Street to push our way to the front towing on ropes the block of stone.

Of course we were disobedient slaves and needed a slave driver, Dave Frazer.

He stood on top of the block and had a real leather whip.

Hilarity ensued on our very first "pull".

Fraz cracked his whip but only managed to get it caught up in the overhead telephone lines running across the Street.

Nearly yanking him off the block.

BUT most definitely pulled the cables down.

Further reading