Northwich U10
Sun 26 Feb 2017
Northwich RUFC
Northwich U10
Warrington RUFC U10s
Northwich U10s vs Warrington RUFC U10s

Northwich U10s vs Warrington RUFC U10s

Simon Pritchard Jones26 Feb 2017 - 17:25
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Score not a reflection of performance

After several weeks of cancelled games due to poor weather the thirteen Northwich players were keen to get back to business. With the devastation of storm Doris evident at Moss Farm with a fallen tree across the normal match pitch, an alternative neighbouring pitch was found to be suitable.

It quickly became clear that a few weeks absence from the game left the home side a little rusty. Missed tackles and to begin with poor rucking led to the visitors gaining the upper hand. However as the game progressed so did the performance of the home team. With a huge improvement in rucking and their organisation, the home team improved to consistently recycle the ball at the breakdown and at times turn it over from the opposition.

Although the score line on the day was disappointing, every player held their heads high as they knew they had put in their best performance of the season to date. Although improvements can always be made, the progress of the team continues upwards.

Team: Ben, Ash K, Ash R, Kyle, Jake, Holly, Leo, Cathal, Billy, Harrison, Finley, Jack & George.
Man of the Match: Ben - for his awesome tackling.

Match details

Match date

Sun 26 Feb 2017


Team overview
Further reading

Team Sponsors

Club Sponsor - Fire + Heat Cheshire
Club & M&Js Sponsor - Coleman Canal Boat Services