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Skegness u11 results

Skegness u11 results

Lee Turner23 May 2013 - 02:26
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Great weekend had by all

Saturday 18th May

Oldham St Annes 16-8 Spalding RC

Birstall Victoria 12-0 Oldham St Annes

Oldham St Annes 4-12 Dewsbury Moor

Guisley Rangers 4-12 Oldham St Annes

Sunday 19th May

Oldham St Annes 20-0 Townville Tigers

Oldham St Annes 0-0 Oulton Raiders

Shaw Cross Sharks 20-4 Oldham St Annes

Oldham St Annes 0-4 Skirlaugh Bulls

Final League Positions

1,Dewsbury Moor
2,Shaw Cross Sharks
3,Birstall Victoria
4,Skirlaugh Bulls
5,Oulton Raiders
6,Oldham St Annes
7,Spalding RC
8,Guisley Rangers
9,Townville Tigers

The u11 came joint 5 with Oulton Raiders, we were competing against the best Yorkshire as to offer and the boys didnt let themselves down, each half was only 5 minutes long so not much time to get a role on. The biggest factor of the weekend was the way the lads bonded as a unit, during matches and there time back at Butlins, the way you performed on the pitch and your behaviour back at camp,the parents, coaches but most importantly the lads themselves should be very proud and can hold there heads high.
A big thanks to all the teams we played over the weekend, the event organisers ESF and Leeds Rhinos, but most importantly the parents for making the trip possible for the team.

Further reading