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Return to play and facilities reopening

Return to play and facilities reopening

David Ball30 Nov 2020 - 15:49
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Message from RFU

Following Thursday’s tier announcement, we know clubs have a number of questions to address and we want to reassure you that we are working hard with Government to clarify outstanding areas so that we can provide you with answers and clear guidance.

As you will appreciate, the return to grassroots sport in the covid landscape is a complex and fast-moving world for Government to manage. We will continue to support their efforts to provide clarity for clubs as quickly as possible.

As soon as we are in a position to do so, we will provide Clubs and CBs with on field and off field guidance for each tier, so you are confident about returning to play safely and excited about rugby restarting.

Guidance for each tier will include:
• Which stage on The Return to Community Rugby Roadmap clubs will be able to play.
• Equipment that will be permitted.
• Facilities guidance (for clubhouses, bars, changing rooms, showers, toilets)
• Travel implications
• Spectators management
• Group mixing rules

Until Wednesday 2 December, we remain in national lockdown and at Stage A on the Return to Community Rugby Roadmap. This means that no competitive or formal rugby activities can be undertaken.

Please keep an eye out for communications in the coming days. We will share an update with you as soon as we have received and interpreted Government guidance around sporting facilities, so that we can provide clarity on what it means for clubs in each area.

Further reading