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QGFC coaches mentor meets Catherine, Princess of Wales

QGFC coaches mentor meets Catherine, Princess of Wales

Scott Donovan17 Jan - 08:23
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The Princess of Wales recognises those who support babies, young children and families across the UK.

"He was there when I needed him, he was there when I didn't need him"
- Rico

Our coaches mentor, Russell Gray, was recently nominated for recognition to thank those who support babies, young children and families across the UK. One of his previous students made the nomination to thank Russell for his support and kindness throughout his time at the school where Russell coaches.

The nomination led to an invitation to Kensington Palace and a surprise meeting with Catherine, Princess of Wales, followed by an opportunity to take part in the 2023 Royal Carols service televised on ITV.

We are so proud to have Russell as a coaching mentor at Queensgate and really pleased that he has been recognised for all the effort and commitment he puts into those he works with.

If you missed this you can see Kate surprising the young footballer and his coach.

Image copyright of BBC News

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