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Toby Feldman26 Sep 2020 - 16:05
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Please note the new Clubhouse rules with the updated Government Covid19 Guidelines

Following the government’s updated Covid19 guidelines, which came into force Thursday 24th September, please note the following regarding the bar and clubhouse:

• Food and drink must be ordered from and served at a table, maximum of 6 people, no members are allowed at the bar
• Members must eat and drink at a table on site
• The wearing of face masks is compulsory for bar staff as well as members inside the clubhouse, except when seated at a table to eat or drink
• On training nights the club will close at 10pm and last orders are at 9.30pm
• Please ‘check-in’ using the QR scanner code on arrival at the clubhouse

We really appreciate your support in adhering to the rules to keep everyone safe and enable us to remain open.

We will continue to serve you with a smile on our faces (even if you can’t see them!) and offering up Gina’s great food.

Tues-Thur: 6-10pm
Sunday: 9-3pm (latest)

Further reading