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James Thomas1 Jun 2020 - 22:41
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Calling all members: Date set for online AGM

Due to the current epidemic lockdown measures there is continued uncertainty around when a physical meeting may be able to take place. While we are confident our members would understand delaying the AGM due to this, the Management Committee feel it is important to hold a meeting to close off last season and fill roles for the season ahead, thereby meeting out obligations under the 2019 Club Constitution. As an online meeting this will not be in the format we are used to and engagement with members will be more difficult, therefore it may be that a further meeting (EGM, Development, Player) is scheduled prior to the start of the season if this is deemed necessary.

The AGM will be held on Tuesday 30th June at 19:00 online using GoToWebinar. We would like to invite and encourage all members (Under section 2.1 of the 2019 Constitution "Club membership shall be made up of any person who: Plays hockey for Rotherham Hockey Club, holds a management or organisational role specified on the club organisation structure or is a Life Member of the club) to register for this meeting by emailing, you will then be sent joining instructions prior to the meeting.

Please see below, a few ground rules for the call:

  • The call will be recorded and made available on the website for any members unable to join
  • Any under 18's must have a parent with them on the call
  • Attendees will be muted, only the presenters listed on the agenda will be able to speak unless a specific 'Any other business' item requires member input. So, questions will need to be submitted in advance
  • Screen sharing will be used so please join on a laptop/PC or tablet if possible
  • Polling will be used for voting in of officers and any other action requiring a vote

The meeting agenda is as follows:

  • Chairman's introduction including: apologies & minutes of last meeting & VP/Life member proposal - Chairman JS
  • President's address - President DW
  • Club award winners - Chairman JS
  • Playing report Q&A - Club Captain LC
  • Youth report Q&A - Youth Co-ordinator DW
  • Development report Q&A - Youth Co-ordinator DW
  • Finance report Q&A and proposal of fees for 2020/21 - Treasurer MB
  • Appointment of officers for 2020/21 - Chairman JS
  • Any other business - Chairman JS

Please check the website after 6th June at which point you will find attached the Playing, Youth and Finance reports compiled by the respective Committee members. These will not be read through during the meeting. Instead we ask you to review these in advance of the meeting and send in any questions to An executive summary will be provided and then any questions raised will be answered.

If you have any items you wish to discuss under 'Any other business' please send these to

You will also find attached the current club organisation structure and role descriptions for the various roles within the club. We urgently need more volunteers to step forward as currently most of the management committee members have held office for several years and most fill multiple roles in the club. If you are interested in taking on a role but unsure about which or what is involved please contact any one of the current committee who will provide suitable advice.

All nominations for officials shall be sent to along with a named Proposer and Seconder from the membership. If nominating someone else for a role their wish to stand will be sought prior to the meeting and without this they will not be put forward.

All Management and Organisational roles, as defined on the club structure are to be filled at the AGM, other roles including Captains and Team Managers will be appointed at separate Senior and Youth meetings prior to the new season commencing.

IMPORTANT - All report questions, any other business' items and role nominations must be submitted by Tuesday 23rd June. There will be no opportunity to add any of the above during the meeting.

Many thanks

Your Management Committee


RHC Management structure


RHC draft role descriptions - Sep 2019

Further reading