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Development Update

Development Update

Jamie Talbot20 Nov 2016 - 23:53
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Hi All

An update on the proposed Wises Lane Development;

We have met with the developers and have agreed a draft legal agreement which is due to be signed before any further letters of support for the planning process are submitted. The agreement ties the developer to providing us with the facilities as previously described.
If you would like to see the document, please ask or email Phil Whymark (, Chris Nutley ( or Roger Down (
For the next phase, Roger will represent the club by attending the local plan examination.

The members who sent letters of support will have had a response from the planning programme officer, Lynette Duncan, asking if they wish to attend the round table hearings or submit further representation.

Please could you reply to with words to the effect of;

“I do not wish to attend the forthcoming Local Plan Examination sessions, however I would request that the Inspector takes on board the previously submitted representations in support of the proposed development at South West Sittingbourne.”

Please ensure you reply BEFORE the 30th November 2016

Thank You

Further reading