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Masters Players Back in Action

Masters Players Back in Action

Web Editor27 Jan 2015 - 00:10
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Masters pre-season training has started

2014 was a year of gradual progress, everyone had fun - probably more than they imagined at teh start and so 2015 is about building on that and dragging as many new old faces off their sofas and back out onto the pitch as we can. Join us, I promise it'll
- Adie Smith


Week two of our pre-season training saw the numbers increase and hopefully as the year progresses participation at training will continue to build as we grow the club's newest (and also oldest) section.

Due to the effort put in by all our masters players last year, we have been honoured with 8 squad places to play alongside Medway representing the 'South East' at a masters festival on Good Friday which will kick start the 2015 campaign.

There may be something coming up before Easter but as yet nothing has been finalised.

Two weeks later on Sat 18th April the full Spitfires Masters squad (no collaborations this time) will be flying along the A27 to Brighton where Sussex Merlins will host our first full fixture of 2015.

Adie smith is asking all his players to make sure they regularly check the website for training and fixture updates and has underlined the importance of getting to training so as to help build team spirt and understanding on the field as well as a bit of 'personal calorie credit' to cash in at the bar after games!

To get involved and play your part in this rapidly growing sport for the over 35's contact Adie Smith for details:

M. 07783 959044

Further reading