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Spitfires Rack up 10 trys in London

Spitfires Rack up 10 trys in London

Glenn Tyreman14 Sep 2019 - 08:33
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Spitfires star in rest of the world game

Email to get involved with over 35s Rugby League
- Adie Smith - Masters Lead Coach

Three Spitfires players this summer played for the Rest of the World v the Silverbacks. The game was played at the home of London Broncos prior to their scheduled Super League Game v St.Helens.

It was a hot day and both sides found the going tough. Despite this the Spitfires players shined scoring 10 try's between them. Full back Pascal Garrard notched up 6 try's whilst half back Glenn Tyreman scored a brace along side hooker Kevin Duckham who also crossed twice.

The Spitfires Masters over 35s next game is scheduled for the 27th of October v Medway Dragons. The club continues to grow this section and is always looking for new players of 35 or over.
If you are instersted in siging up email the club on

Further reading