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TEAMMATES: With Cameron Gourley

TEAMMATES: With Cameron Gourley

Mark Ashmore2 Apr 2020 - 11:00
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In what will be a regular feature on the website, we're catching up with the team in lockdown.

First up, who's the best trainer at the club?
Sam Staunton Turner

Quickest player?
James Boyd

And the slowest player?
Luke Holden or Matt Farnworth

Club Hardman?
Luke Holden

And who's blessed with the most skills?
Ryan Riley

Footballers aren’t renowned for their brains but who would you say was the most intelligent in the team?
Westy seems quite smart

And moving to the other end of the IQ scale who’s the least intelligent?
Gonna have to say Jake Higham, has some awful shouts in him

Who's got the worst dress sense in the squad?

Who fancies themselves as the team joker?
Dean Ing

Pick a five a side team with two Premier League Players and three Gate Players and explain your choices!
Jordan, Ryan Riley and Josh Pollard from Gate, very good players on the ball, 2 PL players would be De Bruyne and Aguero, a few of the lads got upset when I didn’t say De Bruyne last time so I’ll put him in and Aguero is clinical in front of goal.

Many thanks to Cam for taking the time to answer our questions. There’ll be some more Teammates articles coming soon!

Further reading