3rd XV
Sat 09 Mar 2013  ·  Merit Table 6
St Albans Rugby Club
3rd XV
Tries: S Gill (2), N Gallagher (2), B Sach, S FernandoConversions: J Thompson (2), S Gill (2)Penalties: J Thompson
Barnet Eliz 3rd
Another great win for the STA300!

Another great win for the STA300!

James Thompson12 Mar 2013 - 19:08
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This game definitely was still on and we even had enough players!

A very cold and winters day greeted us at Boggymead on Saturday afternoon but that didn't matter to the two teams who turned up to play what would be a great game of rugby.

Unfortunately though there was no referee available for the game which meant that both teams had to agree to supply a referee for a half each.

The game started with a great tempo and eventually St Albans managed to gain some possession and started gaining yards towards the Barnet line with some good running from the quick backs. This led to a penalty in front of the posts which James duly slotted over.

The match continued with some great possession from St Albans mainly within the opposition half and thanks to some great running from the backs there wasn't long to wait for tries to be scored. First it was the turn of Shane Gill to find a gap and make a dash for the line, a great try.

This continued and next it was Neil Gallagher who collected the ball on the wing and sprinted to the line. Some good quick hands between backs and forwards right in front of the line led to the third try, with Saj and Hesh exchanging passes I think it was Saj who eventually touched down beneath the posts. A fourth try came from Shane Gill again as Barnet struggled to keep the St Albans backs at bay thanks to some great quick powerful running, this time with Neil and Shane working well together down the left wing.

Next some sloppy play and giving away some silly penalties gave Barnet a chance to kick for the corner and even though there were some great last ditch defensive tackles on the line, Barnet couldn't be stopped as they broke over the line for a deserved try. Halftime score 29-7.

The second half continued with some Barnet pressure and a debateable penalty for a bad tackle and then for coming up to quickly at the next penalty meant that they were camped out on our try line for a significant amount of time which eventually led to their captain breaking over for their second try.

St Albans rallied though and any thoughts of a come back were quickly halted. Sustained pressure in the Barnet half eventually led to gaps opening up and it Neil with his second try of the match to go over next.

Some great quick running from the backs quickly put us back into position and it wasn't too long to wait for the next try. Good quick hands through the line eventually ended up with Billy Sach taking on his man and beating him with jinking little run to the line after collecting a pass from Shane which was possibly forward but the referee allowed it and Shane Gill added the conversion with a drop kick in front of the posts.

Great resilient defending from Barnet denied both Shane and Neil from collecting hat-tricks with Neil going close in the corner and Shane constantly probing through the middle. There was however still to be one last try with a great passing move from one side of the pitch to the other, which included a kick, giving Dylan the chance to cross the line in the corner.

A great win from St Albans means they continue their winning record as they push to try and top the table. Well done has to go to the new players who stepped up and did a great job, Matty at nine and Chris and Dean on the wings.

Man of the match though has to go to Shane Gill. With two tries, 14pts in total, some great kicking and being a constant threat throughout as he was involved in everything it was a great performance from the young Irishman.

Thank you has to go to the two players who stepped up and did a great job refereeing the game.

St Albans: 1. Harry, 2. Mick, 3. Simon, 4. Ryan, 5. Saj, 6. Bill, 7. Hesh, 8. Stuart, 9. Matthew, 10. Shane, 11. Neil, 12. Doug, 13. Billy, 14. Chris, 15. James, 16. Peter, 17. Dylan, 18. Dean.

Match details

Match date

Sat 09 Mar 2013




Merit Table 6
Team overview
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Team Sponsors

Club Sponsor - Lister Interiors Ltd
Offical Charity Partner - East & North Herts Hospitals Charity