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Stonesfield Cricket World Cup Family Event

Stonesfield Cricket World Cup Family Event

Stewart Moss5 Jun 2019 - 20:50
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10am - 12noon Saturday 8th June - Are You In?

All participants will get a Cricket World Cup related FREE GIFT!
- Stonesfield Cricket Club
* Walk-up & join-in softball fun family cricket match
* Try batting in nets vs our young bowlers
* Try bowling in nets vs our young batsmen
* Cricket 'coconut shy' fielding challenge
* Enter our £1 Raffle for a chance to win a new £100 Newbery Cricket Bat
* Find out about youth cricket at the club
* Watch England v Bangladesh on the big screen in the club from 10.30am
* Stonesfield 1st XI vs Marsh Gibbon 1.30pm
Further reading