Youth Section Fun day/St George's Cup

Youth Section Fun day/St George's Cup

Sunday 22 April 2018
10:00 - 16:00
Liam Minter
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St John's are in place
BBQ, bacon, rolls and pasties, raffle, tuck shop, tea and coffee.

We have a selection of raffle prizes but if we could have a few bottles of wine/ boxes of chocolate that would be great.

NEXT SATURDAY 21st APRIL we need volunteers to be at the Parkway for 10am to help put up the marquee. Please comment below if you can be there and we will put you in touch with the youth committee.

SUNDAY 22nd April festival day
We need to be at the Parkway for 8am to help with setting up. All hands on deck for anyone that is able to help out.

Car parking we need volunteers to help organise this.

CAKES please could as many people as possible bring some cakes to be sold

If anyone has training kit/boots in good condition and clean that you are keen to part company with bring it along and we will set up a table top sale.

If there is anything anybody else can think that would help or benefit then please let us know.

Further reading
This is a past event