Dear All,
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Tenbury RFC will be held at 7pm Friday 25th June 2021 at Penlu Sports Club, Worcester Road, Tenbury Wells.
The AGM shall be held for the following purposes:
1. To receive from the Board Accounts for the year;
2. To receive from the Board a report on the activities of the club since the previous AGM;
3. To appoint the Club’s auditors;
4. To announce the election (as appropriate) of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, President and the Elected Directors to be appointed in accordance with the Articles of Association; and
5. To Transact such other business as may be brought before it including without limitation the appointment of Life Members in recognition of outstanding contribution or long service to the club.
With regards to the election of directors, we hereby request that pursuant to Article 51 of the Articles, written nominations are submitted to the Secretary (Mr. Jon Webb; jwebb at mcconnel dot com) no later than 7days before the AGM ie 18th June 2021. Nominations can only be made and seconded by Voting members. Nominations for the directors cannot be accepted at the meeting itself. Please note that the President must be a Voting Member of one years’ standing.
For the avoidance of doubt, the current Elected directors are retired and eligible for re-election at the AGM should they wish to be considered. In the event there being more nominations than vacancies the Voting Members present at the AGM will be asked to vote for their preferred candidates. The results will be declared at the AGM.
The election and appointment of the wider committee members and officers including but not limited to Sports Club Representatives, Team Captains, VP Liaison, Fixture Secretary, First Aid, Social and Fundraising, Webmaster and Hereford and Worcester RFU Representative shall be decided at the AGM in the normal manner.
We would also be grateful to receive any nominations for Life Members prior to the meeting in order that they can be duly considered and presented to the AGM.
We trust the above is self-explanatory but should you require any further clarification please do not hesitate to contact us.
Please distribute to others which may be interested in attending.
Kind Regards,
Andy Black
TFRC Chairman (Director)