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Tevie Hashtag Prize Draw

Tevie Hashtag Prize Draw

Kev Newton24 May 2020 - 22:22
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We are on the search for our very own HASHTAG #, can you help?

We need you help - After Club Secretary Kev Newton recently took part in an FA Webinar around "How to use marketing to build for the future”, it was very useful, but it was the information supplied by Jeff Hutton the General Manager from Bromley FC, that was really interesting and gave some good ideas, one being the use of an hashtag.

So we are holding a Club Hashtag ( # ) Prize Draw

To involve whole club and local community in the development of a # (e.g #ReadyTevieGo) to be used on all marketing and Social Media platforms by the Club.

Prize Draw Rules Are:

1) Club name / shortening of club name must be involved in the # so it links to the club.
Two # from the club are:

The three most popular entered into the prize draw will be added to the two above and a poll will be had to determine our club #.

2) Prize draw entry for everyone that submits a # by Friday 29th May 2020 at 6:00pm. One winner to receive a £25.00 cash prize.

3) Prize draw winner announced and poll to open no later than Sunday 31st May 2020 at 6:00pm.

4) Poll to be closed on Sunday 7th June 2020 at 6:00pm and club # confirmed.

Send your entry to Antony Coleman using any media of your choice from list:
Telephone / Text / Whatsapp - 07968 992 835
Email -
Twitter - @Ant_Coleman1
Instagram - ant.coleman0112

Further reading